Enterprise Java with Spring (Language Bangla)
Basics of Java Spring framework, including web application development with Spring MVC and Hibernate
Learn to develop web applications with Spring Framework. You will learn basics of Spring Framework including dependency injection and bean wiring. You will also learn to use Maven to build your web application from scratch and how to integrate Hibernate, Spring MVC and Spring WebFlow. You will learn to manage user accounts with Spring Security and front end templating with Apache tiles. We will also go into details of aspect oriented programming (AOP) with complete lessons about Log4J and JUnit.
For developers (living in Bangladesh) who don't have Credit Card, or Paypal, feel free to contact me at [email protected] to get access to the course. I'll arrange alternate ways (bKash, account transfer) for you. If you want access to one of my paid courses but can’t afford to pay, email me at [email protected] with a brief email explaining your situation, and I’ll consider giving you free access.
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Your Instructor

I have been developing softwares professionally since 2002. My career started with working with an exciting start up and since then I have worked on numerous real life projects involving a plethora of technologies. These days I hack rapid software development with Java.
Find more about me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mozammel
Course Curriculum
PreviewBeans Constructor Arguments (8:12)
PreviewBean Properties (3:45)
PreviewDependency Injection (9:43)
StartBean Scope (4:04)
StartBean Init and Destroy methods (6:38)
StartFactory Method and Factory Class (10:53)
StartThe P Namespace (3:58)
StartThe C Namespace and using -ref (6:01)
StartWiring Lists (6:58)
StartSetting List of Beans (8:51)
StartInner Beans (4:49)
StartSetting Maps (9:58)
StartWhen to use null to set a property (5:12)